Blog 13: Identity

2 min readApr 19, 2021

Im fairly certain most online discourse as it relates to gender is because teenagers on tik tok are all having an identity crisis. The reason I say this is I see people make up new gender identities and pronouns a lot on tiktok. Those same people also express how much they don't “feel” like their assigned gender. But all they describe is unhappiness with the stereotypes associated with their gender. By identifying out of that gender they then feel free to express themselves however they want, and thus no longer constrained by that box so to speak. This then quickly spirals out into a mess wherein anyone who identities as their assigned gender who doesn’t conform to stereotypes is just assumed to be closeted, and people in the comments of their tik toks have a whole little ideology war going on, where half the people are like “no they are not cis they are…” and te other half are like “omg yasss gnc queen/king”.

This whole need for identity has farther reaches then tik tokers arguing over someone's gender, specifically with political parties. On Facebook, where many of my relatives argue politics, they are always accusing the opposite party to be evil and worthy of being executed. And if you take a step back the two mainstream parties in the US (where they mostly live) are not too different. They both make vastly different promises to appeal to a voter base, yes, but in execution, they both increase spending, increases taxes, never deliver what they promised their constituents, warmonger, and try to increase how much spying the state can get away with.

The same identity-fighting in politics can also be seen within the libertarian party where the various caucus’ and members constantly infight, and try to go I'm a “minarchist” “voluntaryist” “Agorist” “transhumanist” “bleedingheart” “anarch=capitalist” or “anarch-communist”. Its all people looking for a hear to attach themselves t and base their worth off of.

